Message from the FDA
(U.S. Food and Drug
Administration) to all users of
mobile phones.
July 18, 2001 .....
For updates: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/phones

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Consumer Update on Wireless Phones
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
1. Do wireless phones pose a health hazard?
The available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are
associated with using wireless phones. There is no proof, however, that wireless
phones are absolutely safe. Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency
energy (RF) in the microwave range while being used. They also emit very low levels
of RF when in the stand-by mode. Whereas high levels of RF can produce health
effects (by heating tissue), exposure to low level RF that does not produce heating
effects causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low level RF
exposures have not found any biological effects. Some studies have suggested that
some biological effects may occur, but such findings have not been confirmed by
additional research. In some cases, other researchers have had difficulty in
reproducing those studies, or in determining the reasons for inconsistent results.
2. What is FDA's role concerning the safety of wireless phones?
Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of radiation-emitting consumer
products such as wireless phones before they can be sold, as it does with new drugs
or medical devices. However, the agency has authority to take action if wireless
phones are shown to emit radiofrequency energy (RF) at a level that is hazardous to
the user. In such a case, FDA could require the manufacturers of wireless phones to
notify users of the health hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones so that
the hazard no longer exists.
Although the existing scientific data do not justify FDA regulatory actions, FDA has
urged the wireless phone industry to take a number of steps, including the following:
Support needed research into possible biological effects of RF of the type
emitted by wireless phones;
Design wireless phones in a way that minimizes any RF exposure to the user
that is not necessary for device function; and
Cooperate in providing users of wireless phones with the best possible
information on possible effects of wireless phone use on human health.
FDA belongs to an interagency working group of the federal agencies that have
responsibility for different aspects of RF safety to ensure coordinated efforts at the
federal level. The following agencies belong to this working group:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
The National Institutes of Health participates in some interagency working group
activities, as well.

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Message from the FDA
FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for wireless phones with the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). All phones that are sold in the United States
must comply with FCC safety guidelines that limit RF exposure. FCC relies on FDA
and other health agencies for safety questions about wireless phones. FCC also
regulates the base stations that the wireless phone networks rely upon. While these
base stations operate at higher power than do the wireless phones themselves, the
RF exposures that people get from these base stations are typically thousands of
times lower than those they can get from wireless phones. Base stations are thus not
the subject of the safety questions discussed in this document.
3. What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?
The term wireless phone refers here to hand-held wireless phones with built-in
antennas, often called cell mobile or PCS phones. These types of wireless phones
can expose the user to measurable radiofrequency energy (RF) because of the short
distance between the phone and the user’s head. These RF exposures are limited by
Federal Communications Commission safety guidelines that were developed with
the advice of FDA and other federal health and safety agencies. When the phone is
located at greater distances from the user, the exposure to RF is drastically lower
because a person's RF exposure decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the
source. The so-called cordless phones; which have a base unit connected to the
telephone wiring in a house, typically operate at far lower power levels, and thus
produce RF exposures far below the FCC safety limits.
4. What are the results of the research done already?
The research done thus far has produced conflicting results, and many studies have
suffered from flaws in their research methods. Animal experiments investigating the
effects of radiofrequency energy (RF) exposures characteristic of wireless phones
have yielded conflicting results that often cannot be repeated in other laboratories.
A few animal studies, however, have suggested that low levels of RF could accelerate
the development of cancer in laboratory animals. However, many of the studies that
showed increased tumor development used animals that had been genetically
engineered or treated with cancer-causing chemicals so as to be pre-disposed to
develop cancer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studies exposed the animals to
RF for up to 22 hours per day. These conditions are not similar to the conditions
under which people use wireless phones, so we don’t know with certainty what the
results of such studies mean for human health.
Three large epidemiology studies have been published since December 2000.
Between them, the studies investigated any possible association between the use
of wireless phones and primary brain cancer, glioma, meningioma, or acoustic
neuroma, tumors of the brain or salivary gland, leukemia, or other cancers.
None of the studies demonstrated the existence of any harmful health effects
from wireless phone RF exposures. However, none of the studies can answer
questions about long-term exposures, since the average period of phone use in
these studies was around three years.

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5.What research is needed to decide whether RF exposure from wireless
phones poses a health risk?
A combination of laboratory studies and epidemiological studies of people actually
using wireless phones would provide some of the data that are needed. Lifetime
animal exposure studies could be completed in a few years. However, very large
numbers of animals would be needed to provide reliable proof of a cancer promoting
effect if one exists. Epidemiological studies can provide data that is directly applicable
to human populations, but 10 or more years follow-up may be needed to provide
answers about some health effects, such as cancer. This is because the interval
between the time of exposure to a cancer-causing agent and the time tumors develop -
if they do - may be many, many years. The interpretation of epidemiological studies is
hampered by difficulties in measuring actual RF exposure during day-to-day use of
wireless phones. Many factors affect this measurement, such as the angle at which
the phone is held, or which model of phone is used.
6. What is FDA doing to find out more about the possible health effects
of wireless phone RF?
FDA is working with the U.S. National Toxicology Program and with groups of
investigators around the world to ensure that high priority animal studies are
conducted to address important questions about the effects of exposure to
radiofrequency energy (RF).
FDA has been a leading participant in the World Health Organization International
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Project since its inception in 1996. An influential result
of this work has been the development of a detailed agenda of research needs that has
driven the establishment of new research programs around the world. The Project has
also helped develop a series of public information documents on EMF issues.
FDA and the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) have a
formal Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to do
research on wireless phone safety. FDA provides the scientific oversight, obtaining
input from experts in government, industry, and academic organizations. CTIA-
funded research is conducted through contracts to independent investigators. The
initial research will include both laboratory studies and studies of wireless phone
users. The CRADA will also include a broad assessment of additional research
needs in the context of the latest research developments around the world.
7. How can I find out how much radiofrequency energy exposure I can
get by using my wireless phone?
All phones sold in the United States must comply with Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) guidelines that limit radiofrequency energy (RF) exposures.
FCC established these guidelines in consultation with FDA and the other federal
health and safety agencies. The FCC limit for RF exposure from wireless telephones
is set at a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). The
FCC limit is consistent with the safety standards developed by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) and the National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurement. The exposure limit takes into consideration the body’s
ability to remove heat from the tissues that absorb energy from the wireless phone
and is set well below levels known to have effects.

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Message from the FDA
Manufacturers of wireless phones must report the RF exposure level for each model
of phone to the FCC. The FCC website (http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety) gives
directions for locating the FCC identification number on your phone so you can find
your phone’s RF exposure level in the online listing.
8. What has FDA done to measure the radiofrequency energy coming
from wireless phones?
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is developing a technical
standard for measuring the radiofrequency energy (RF) exposure from wireless
phones and other wireless handsets with the participation and leadership of FDA
scientists and engineers. The standard, Recommended Practice for Determining the
Spatial-Peak Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due to Wireless
Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques, sets forth the first consistent
test methodology for measuring the rate at which RF is deposited in the heads of
wireless phone users. The test method uses a tissue-simulating model of the human
head. Standardized SAR test methodology is expected to greatly improve the
consistency of measurements made at different laboratories on the same phone.
SAR is the measurement of the amount of energy absorbed in tissue, either by the
whole body or a small part of the body. It is measured in watts/kg (or milliwatts/g)
of matter. This measurement is used to determine whether a wireless phone
complies with safety guidelines.
9. What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to radiofrequency
energy from my wireless phone?
If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we do not know that there
is--it is probably very small. But if you are concerned about avoiding even potential
risks, you can take a few simple steps to minimize your exposure to radiofrequency
energy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how much exposure a person receives,
reducing the amount of time spent using a wireless phone will reduce RF exposure.
If you must conduct extended conversations by wireless phone every day, you could
place more distance between your body and the source of the RF, since the exposure
level drops off dramatically with distance. For example, you could use a headset and
carry the wireless phone away from your body or use a wireless phone connected to
a remote antenna.
Again, the scientific data do not demonstrate that wireless phones are harmful.
But if you are concerned about the RF exposure from these products, you can use
measures like those described above to reduce your RF exposure from wireless
phone use.
10. What about children using wireless phones?
The scientific evidence does not show a danger to users of wireless phones, including
children and teenagers. If you want to take steps to lower exposure to radiofrequency
energy (RF), the measures described above would apply to children and teenagers
using wireless phones. Reducing the time of wireless phone use and increasing the
distance between the user and the RF source will reduce RF exposure.Some groups
sponsored by other national governments have advised that children be discouraged
from using wireless phones at all. For example, the government in the United

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Kingdom distributed leaflets containing such a recommendation in December 2000.
They noted that no evidence exists that using a wireless phone causes brain tumors
or other ill effects. Their recommendation to limit wireless phone use by children
was strictly precautionary; it was not based on scientific evidence that any health
hazard exists.
11. What about wireless phone interference with medical equipment?
Radiofrequency energy (RF) from wireless phones can interact with some electronic
devices. For this reason, FDA helped develop a detailed test method to measure
electromagnetic interference (EMI) of implanted cardiac pacemakers and
defibrillators from wireless telephones. This test method is now part of a standard
sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Medical instrumentation
(AAMI). The final draft, a joint effort by FDA, medical device manufacturers, and
many other groups, was completed in late 2000. This standard will allow
manufacturers to ensure that cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators are safe from
wireless phone EMI. FDA has tested hearing aids for interference from handheld
wireless phones and helped develop a voluntary standard sponsored by the Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). This standard specifies test methods
and performance requirements for hearing aids and wireless phones so that no
interference occurs when a person uses a compatible phone and a accompanied
hearing aid at the same time. This standard was approved by the IEEE in 2000.
FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones for possible interactions with
other medical devices. Should harmful interference be found to occur, FDA will
conduct testing to assess the interference and work to resolve the problem.
12. Where can I find additional information?
For additional information, please refer to the following resources:
FDA web page on wireless phones
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF Safety Program
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
World Health Organization (WHO) International EMF Project
National Radiological Protection Board (UK)
July 18, 2001For updates: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/phones

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